Web Page built 17NOV2012 Sat for Blondie's Puppies.
Page updated 12/27/2012 Thur , 7:30P .. For 5 week weights and pictures.
NOTICE : I have received a deposit on all Blondie's puppies as of Saturday 12/1/2012. Will sell January 2nd 2013.
Saturday, 11-17-2012 , No Puppies yet . Blondie has milk flowing 7:00A Saturday 11-17-2012 . Puppies earliest due date is 18NOV2012 Sun . May let Blondie stay in house tonight , She is very much bigger than Taka when Taka had 8 so I hope she has around 12 like her first and only other litter.
Sunday, 3:05P Sun 11-18-2012 .. Moved Blondie in house.
Sunday, 6:45P , 11-19-2012 , Mon .. Blondie the biggest I have ever seen her.
Wednesday, 3:22P , 11-21-2012 , (My birthday) , Blondie had her first puppy, a Blond Female. At 3:44P a Black Male. At 4:15P a Chocolate Female. At 5:02p a Black Female. 5:20 another Chocolate.

Wednesday , 11-21-2012, 6:07P : 3 Chocolates , 2 Blonds , 2 Blacks - coming to fast to keep track of sex. Wednesday , 11-21-2012 , 7:15P , another Chocolate. : 7:55P another Black.

7355-375, 11-21-2012, Wed, 3:35P .. Blondie hours before delivery of her 2nd litter.
7363-375, 11-21-2012, Wed, 8:20P, day 1 .. First 9 puppies , L to R , Black , Blond , 2 Chocolates , Black , Chocolate , Blond , Black, Chocolate . Puppy age ranges from 5 hours to 30 minutes old. White spots on puppy under her nose is water droplets after I gave her some water. 8:50P - Another blond - not pictured , makes 10 so far.
Thursday, 11-22-2012, 7:00A , day 2 .. Final puppy count 10. Three Yellow Females, two Black Females, one Black Male, two Chocolate Females, two Chocolate Males.
7370-375 , 11-23-2012 , Fri , 10:00A, day 4 .. Family picture , all 10 in picture . Will weigh them all when they are one week old on Wednesday.
7405-375-T , 11-28-2012 , WED, day 8 .. Will separate colors for next photo as the Blacks do not show any detail as long as there are Blonds in the picture.
Wednesday, 11-28-2012 , 8:45A, day 8 .. Puppy weights in Pounds and Ounces.. Yellow Females (YF) 1 #-9 Oz , 1-7, 1-6, BF 1-8, 1-7, BM 1-7, CF 1-8, 1-7, CM 1-11, 1-6 .
Wednesday, 11-28-2012 , 8:45A, day8 .. All Blondie's Yellow Puppies will be the Black Nose type.
7464-375-T , 11-3-2012 , Fri , Day 10 .. Blondie's Black . All Blondie's puppies eyes may open around Wednesday 5th .
7442-375-T , 11-3-2012 , Fri , Day 10 ..Blondie's Black nose Yellow Female. Clearly visible is the Black nose and paw pads . Lips and eye lids not showing any Black yet.
7486-375-T , 11-3-2012 , Fri , Day 10 .. Blondie's Chocolate .
7606-375-T , 12/4/2012 , Tue Day 14 .. Blondie giving me the " Lab Stare" Through the kitchen back door. The flash makes her eyes look a lot bigger than they are.

7665-375 12/4/2012 Tue Day 14 .. One of Blondie's Chocolates . Noticed today one of the Blacks eyes have just started to open.

7675-375-T , 12/5/2012 , Wed Day 15 .. Picture at 2 weeks old. They are round and solid and will roll like logs.
12/5/2012 Wed Day 15 .. 2 week old weights in Pounds-Ounces .. The three Yellow Females , (YF) , 2-3 , 2-4 , 2-9. Two Black Females, 2-7 , 2-11, Black Male, 2-7. Two Chocolate Females, 2-7 , 2-9. Two Chocolate Males, 2-4 , 2-14. There is not much weight spread in Blondie's Litter .
7686-375 , 12/6/2012 Thur 9:30P Day 16 .. Well,,,, I was working on a computer out of view to the left of the picture and looking to the left and had a feeling I was being watched. 7686-375-T , 12/6/2012 Thur Day 16 .. Then I looked to the right and guess what, Blondie standing on the narrow front porch picture window ledge watching me. This was the first time I had ever seen her do this.
7687-375, 12/7/2012 Fri, 9:35A Day 17 .. Sooo, Guess what, again the next morning. 7688-375-T, 12/7/2012 Fri Day 17 .. Looks like one of my most loving dog who likes to stare at me for hours with the " LAB STARE " through the kitchen sliding glass doors has learned a new trick !!!
7829-375-T , 12/11/2012 Tue , 9:05A Day 21 .. Probably LAST inside picture. 7830-375-T , 12/11/2012 Tue , 9:15A Day 21 , 56 Deg , RH 63% , Wind NNE 11 .. First time outside and first outside picture. 6x6x1 kennel specially made by Kennel Pro , Concord, NC , 704-425-7217 . Mirror shown in lower left to shine sun on puppies to help them keep warm.
7838-375-T , 12/11/2012 Tue , 9:15A Day 21 , 56 Deg , RH 63% , Wind NNE 11 .. First time outside. Will see how long they last without getting cold. Moved back in house around 3P.  
12/11/2012 Tue 8:25P Day 21 .. Puppy Three week weights in Pounds - Ounces : Three Yellow Females (YF) 2-13, 2-14, 3-6. Two Black Females, 3-0, 3-6. Black Male 3-0. Two Chocolate Females 3-3, 3-3. Two Chocolate Males 3-1, 3-13.
12/18/2012 Tue, Day 28, 10:00A, Puppy 4 week weights in Pounds : Yellow Females (YF), 3.92, 4.12, 4.56, BF 3.94, 4.58, BM 3.76, CF 4.10, 4.32, CM 3.68, 4.87, Unusual for the heaviest at this age to be a male.
7849-375-T 12/18/2012 Tue Day 28 .. Blondie got tired looking at me thru the sliding glass door and went to sleep leaning on the glass. 7840-375 12/18/2012 Tue Day 28 .. Blonde Female getting her ZZZZ's.
7864-375, 12/18/2012 Tue 9:00A Day 28 .. How's my teeth. Temp 55 deg , 82%RH , Wind W7. 7864-375-T , 12/18/2012 Tue Day 28 .. Close up.
7854-375, 12/18/2012 Tue Day 28 .. Chocolate 7854-375-T, 12/18/2012 Tue Day 28 .. Chocolate close up.
7855-375 12/18/2012, Tue Day 28 .. Chocolates. 7866-375, 12/18/2012, Tue , 10A Day 28 .. Blacks.
7866-375-T, 12/18/2012, Tue, 10A Day 28 .. Black, close up. 7866-375-T2 , 12/18/2012, Tue, Day 28 .. Black, very close up.
The following nine pictures taken Christmas Day at 1 day short of 5 weeks old, Day 35 .
7907-375 , 25DEC2012 Tue, Day 35 .. Christmas breakfast. 7908-375 , 25DEC2012 Tue, Day 35 .. Christmas breakfast. Remember there are another 5 on the other side. All 10 auxillary feeding units in use.
8207-375 , 12/27/2012 Thursday, Day 37.. What 2000 pounds of dog food looks like. Brought 2 , 1000 pound pallets home yesterday and carried up 6 steps to the back porch and re stacked on 2 other pallets. There are 100 , 20 pound bags there. 8126-375-T 27DEC12 , Thur, Day 37.. All three colors.
8203-375 12-27-2012 Thur, Day 37 .. Family portrait. 8118-375-T , 12-27-12 Thur, Day 37 .. Chocolate wondering what I am doing.
8166-375-T , 12-27-12 , Thur, Day 37 .. Puppies in background trying to get into puppy food container. 8177-375-T , 12/27/12 , Thur, Day 37 .. Black male puppy investigating the puppy food container.
8142-375-T , 12/27/12 Thur, Day 37 .. They both say " Very strange individual ". 8155-375-T , 12/27/12 Thur, Day 37 .. Small Blond getting ready to pounce on the larger Blond.
8157-375-T , 12/27/2012 Thur, Day 37 .. Black in background still trying to figure how to get into the puppy food bucket. 8201-375-T , 12/27/2012 Thur, Day 37 .. The Blond says " Let me try ". Even though the coffee container seals very good, they all know something good is in it.
12/27/2012 Thursday , 5 week plus 1 day weights in pounds, Day 37 .. YF 5.00 , 7.12 , 7.20. BF 5.84 , 6.83 . BM 5.99 . CF 6.17 , 6.50 . CM 5.90 , 6.83 . Well for the first time with this litter the Chocolate Male has lost First place to, once again a YF .
8326-375 , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 .. 8336-375-T , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 ..

8369-375-T , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 ..

8278-375 , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 ..
8331--375-T , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 ..
8317-750-T , 12/30/12 Sunday , last set of pictures for this litter, Day 40 .. All three colors trying to climb the fence.L to R,
Chocolate Female , Black Male , Blonde Female .
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Copyright 2012 Ted McCachren , All rights reserved.