Top Left: Clifford Otto McCachren (5) and Ethel Eugenia King McCachren, Both died in the flu epedemic of 1920. Top Right: Children (6) of Otto (5) and Ethel: *Frank McCachren Harrison (6) , William King McCachren, (6) Mary Louise McCachren Mueller (6) , *Clifford McCachren Harrison (6) , Hoyt McKee McCachren, Sr (6) , *Louis McCachren Harrison (6) . ( * adopted by Mr and Mrs Harrison of Salisbury after the death of Otto and Ethel in the 1918-20 Flu epedemic. ) |
Bernice and Hoyt |
Ethel Eugenia McCachren holding baby Howard Eugene, bDec 7,1910, d May 21, 1911. |
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Eugenia, Billy, Tip, Hoyt, Hoyt, Bernice |
Tip, Billy, Eugenia, Hoyt. |
Renee, Hoyt, Minnie, Amy, Jon, Scot and wife, Linda. |
future Tip |
Billy, Nancy, Mac, Jimmy, Kim, Steve. |
Front; Harold, Eugenia. Back Row: Brent, Ronald, Gregory, Randall, Alane |
Hoyt and Bernice, Obituary.
William King McCachren and wife Ruth Corzine Cline McCachren. | |
Tip and Evelyn Harrison. |
L to R: Ruth McCachren, William McCachren, Lib Harrison, Frank Harrison holding hands of daughter Gayle Harrison, man beside him Charlie Robertson, Aunt Mary Louise’s second husband, Tip Harrison behind Mary Louise McCachren, Bernice McCachren, Hoyt McCachren, Louis Harrison, Millie Harrison holding hand of daughter Mary Elizabeth Harrison, beside Frank is Tip McCachren, Hoyt McCachren, Eugenia McCachren, Billy Mack McCachren. |
Draft Notice WW2 |
This is Hoyt, Eugenia, Tip, and Billy taken October 6, 2019 at the 100th birthday party of William McCachren, their uncle. These are the children of Hoyt McCachren Sr., son of Mott. Photo submitted by Jon McCachren, son of Hoyt Jr. | This photo shows Hoyt and Minnie McCachren with their children and 1 grandchild taken August 2, 2018. In front are Hoyt and Wife Minnie. Rear from left: Amy McCachren, Bill Christie(husband of Renee), Renee McCachren Christie, Jon McCachren, Scot McCachren, his wife Linda Chatfield McCachren, and their daughter Julia Madison McCachren. Hoyt is the son of Hoyt McCachren Sr., son of Mott. |
Revised 10/26/2017 Saturday 3:45P. |
Copyright 2016 by Ted McCachren |