Taka's Puppies Born Tuesday, 11-6-2012 (My wife's birthday), starting at 5:34P .. Page started 11-7-12, Wed, 4:25P.
Page updated 11:30A , Tuesday , 12/11/2012 for 5 week weights .
Tuesday, 11-6-2012, 5:34P, First puppy - a Black Female, First sound 5:36P. Second puppy 6:30P, Black Female. Third Puppy 8:30P, Yellow Male. Forth Puppy 8:48P, Chocolate Male, Fifth Puppy 9:09P, Black Male. 9:44P puppy weight 13.5 OZ to 15 OZ. Wednesday morning ,Taka ended up having 8 puppies , 1 Chocolate Male , 2 Blond Females , 3 Black Females , 1 Black Male . She had lost the third Blond during the night.
7067-375, 11-6-2012 Wed .. Day 1 , Taka's first puppy picture. Puppies 2-3 hours old. From left to right , Chocolate, Yellow, two Blacks. The dark stripe down the Blond's back is due to not being dry yet. The real shinny coat on the far right Black is due to being still wet. Mama's nose always gets in the way when I get too close to the puppies.
7072-375, 11-7-2012 Wed .. Day 2 , Puppies about 14 hours old. Picture taken while Taka outside on a potty break for the first time in 30 hours. She ate 1 can of dog food while out . Final count - 1 Chocolate Male, 2 Yellow Females, 3 Black Females, and 1 Black Male. You can just see the head of the 4th black sticking out from under the Chocolate-Yellow-Black pile.
Thursday , 11/8/2012, 12 Noon, Day 3, Puppy weight, in ounces, Day 2-3/4. The three Black Females, 15.9, 15.4, 14.8 OZ. Black Male 15.9. Yellow Females 16.2, 10.5. Chocolate Male 12.3. Will put them in a pan to weigh them the next time as it is hard to keep them on a cold 6" x 6" scale pad.
Friday 11-9-2012 , 8:00P , Day day 4, Large Yellow Female has gone from 16.2 oz to 18.5oz in 32 hours but the small Yellow Female ( Little Bit ) has only gone from 10.5 oz to 10.7 oz. I may have to separate her out so she can get more milk.
Friday 11-9-2012 , 11:17P, day 4, Put Little Bit ( Runt ) with Mama while the other 6 puppies were separated and placed in a box so she could nurse by herself. She nursed for over an hour and her weight increased from 10.7 oz to 11.3 oz, a gain of 0.6 oz which is all milk so she should be good till morning. I can tell her belly is bigger.
Saturday 11-10-2012 5:20P, day 5 .. Puppy weight Black Male (BM) 20.5, BF 17.3, 18.7, 19.8, CM 12.3, YF 20.7, 11.0 for runt. Runt not gaining any weight, will continue separating for feeding.
Sunday , 11-11-2012 7:15P , day 6 .. Still struggling with the weight of the smallest two, a Yellow Female now up to 13.5 Oz and a Chocolate Male at 13.2 Oz who is now the smallest weight. The big Yellow Female weighs 24.2 oz. In the last litter for Coco the biggest was a also Yellow Female who weighed twice as much as the runt for a long time and the runt was also a Yellow.
7157-375 11-13-12 Tue, day 8, 1 week old .. The runt taking a nap . Her eyes will open in another week . Runt is gaining weight. The only Chocolate weighs 17.2 Oz .
7149-375 11-13-12 Tue, day 8 , 1 week old .. Mama and family. Three Blacks on left , then the Runt , the Chocolate , and another Black , and then the Big Blonde Female .
187-375 , 11-13-12 , Tue, day 8, 1 week old .. Comparison with the biggest and smallest in the litter , Both are Females .
190-375 , 11-13-12 , Tue, day 8, 1 week old .. The Blonde twins . The top one weighs 15.3 Oz and the bottom one weighs 27.8 Oz .
7150-T-BLIM-750 , 11-13-2012 , Tue, puppies 1 week old .. Taka standing. She has a very beautiful profile, see her web page, but is as thin as Kate Middleton from a front, back, or top view. With her long legs she can really cover some distance as she has covered over 16 miles in 12 hours while running with Miss Vader and Blondie but not getting more than 1-1/2 miles from the house . She had a GPS tracker collar on that logged where she went on the display and how many miles she covered . When she got back she looked like she had just left but Blondie and Miss Vader arrived at different times later on and were so wore out they stopped upon entering the yard about 100 yards away from the house and slept for almost an hour before they had the energy to come up on the porch. All laid around the house most of the next day. She had filled out some after 3 weeks.
Monday, 11-19-2012 , 6P, day 14 .. All the dark puppies have there eyes open , Both Blonde's are still closed .
Tuesday , 11-20-2012 , day 15, 9:15A , 2 week puppy weight , In ounces: Yellow Females ( YF ) , 26.3 Oz , 34.1 Oz , CM 28.2 Oz , BF(s) , 33.7 , 36.4 , 40.6 , BM , 39.6 . Wednesday , 11-21-2012 , 3:00P , Blonde's eyes still not open yet .
Friday , 11-23-2012 , day 18, Blonde's eyes finally open but not wide enough for a good picture yet.
7371-375 , 11-23-2012 , Fri , day 18, 11:00A .. Pretty Blue eyed Blonde Female , 17 days old. Will take a better picture when eyes open more.
7415-375 , 11-28-2012 , Wed, day 23 .. Taka's litter of 7 still in the kitchen. Have been taking outside to get some sun on the pretty days.
Wednesday, 11-28-2012 , 10:30A, day 23 .. First time yesterday I saw a puppy charge another and bite its tail, they are really starting to interact with each other. This morning one came over to the edge of the cage to check on me and stayed while I rubbed it and this was the first time that happened. They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow and I will start making water and puppy food available for them. As of 11-26-2012 , Sat , all puppies have a deposit promised. I will wait until Wed , the 30th, to see if I receive the deposits and any deposits not received by then the puppies will be available for another deposit .
11/27/2012 , Tue , 8:30A, day 22 .. Puppy weights at 3 weeks old in pounds : Three Black Females, (BF) , 3.68 , 2.66 , 2.29. Only BM 2.29 , Two YF 2.62 , 2.38 , Only CM 2.24. So now the Black Female is the biggest and the Chocolate Male is the smallest. Just as in humans the Female babies usually weigh more than the Males. All Taka's Yellows will be the Pink nose type.
7413-375 11-28-2012 Wed , Day 23 .. Puppy's first offering of Mama's food. I do not know if they ate any but were interested. Will try puppy chow with sprinkling of milk later today.
7414-375 11-28-2012 Wed , Day 23 .. Family portrait , Blacks do not show good beside Blonds - will separate them later for better picture. Can not even see Chocolate curled up on Mama. He is laying to the left of the Blonde on right.
7511-375-T , 11/30/2012 , Fri Day 25 .. Taka's Black . 7545-375 , 11/30/2012 , Fri Day 25 .. Taka's Pink nosed Blond .
7568-375-T , 11/30/2012 Day 25 , Fri .. Taka's Chocolate . 7621-375-T , 12/4/2012 Tue Day 29 .. Two of Taka's 4 Blacks using flash . Really shows there Blue eyes but not the correct shade of blue.
7622-375-T, 12/4/2012 Day 29 . Tue .. Two of Taka's 4 Blacks with out flash . 7618-375-T , 12/4/2012, Tue Day 29 .. One of Taka's Yellows .
7619-375-T , 12/4/2012 , Tue Day 29 .. One of Taka's Yellows . 7640-375-T , 12/4/2012, Tue Day 29 .. Chewing on the cage wire.
7661-375-T , 12/4/2012 , Tue Day 29 .. Runt nursing by himself. He has finally started to gain weight and has really livened up in the last two days..
7749-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 ..
12/4/2012 Tue , 4 Week weights in Pounds and Ounces .. Big Black Girl , 5 pounds and 3 Oz. . Other 2 BF, 3-9 , 3-14. BM 2-13, Two Yellow Females 3-12 , 3-10, Chocolate Male 2-7. The Chocolate male has finally perked up and become more active and gaining weight. In 6 days he has gained 12 ounces . It was only 3 days ago that I was seriously worried about him .. 12-5-12 Wed . For the first time one of the puppies barked at me when I walked up on there cage today. Two more barked at me on Thursday when I walk up to the cage.
7797-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 .. Puppies have started chewing on my pants legs and shoes. 7720-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 .. How do I get out of here.
7737-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 .. Should have combed hair. 7740-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 .. This is getting old.
7796-375-T 12/8/2012 Sat Day 33 .. Just come here and I will lick you. 7811-375 , 12/10/2012 , Mon Day 35 .. Food time, There is a 14" bowl under there somewhere with the Chocolate runt right in the middle fighting for his share.
7819-375 , 12/10/2012 , Mon Day 35 .. Looks like the runt got his fair share and someone elses , he can hardly walk . Last night Taka stayed in her pin and tonight her and all the puppies will be with her to do the same. I told them they were on a camping trip and everyone happy, especially my wife so she will wash 8 less towels each day.  
12/11/2012 , Tue Day 36 , 5 week puppy weight in Pounds and Ounces : Smallest - The Chocolate Male 3 # - 10 Oz , Only Black Male 4#-6Oz, The 2 Yellow Females 5#-4Oz, 5#-5Oz, Three Black Females are 5-2 , 5-2 , and the BBF (Big Black Female) 7-1 .
Taka's last puppy picked up Thursday , 12-20-2012 Day 44 .
Copyright 2012 Ted McCachren. All rights reserved.