Harrisburg Electricity |
Following are some of the correspondence between the Harrisburg community residents and the power company trying to work out getting elecriticy brought to Harrisburg. The existing systems were individually or group owned Delco systems where the generator gas tank was filled and the generator started at dark and everyone on the system had lights until the generator ran out of gas. While the generator was running it also charged the Delco batteries located with each generator. When the generator stopped the lights would dim and everyone was required to turn all lights off so in the event nature called during the nite one could turn on one light to go to the bathroom using the battery power. |
Electricy-rout-16-750 Routing of the first comercial power lines in Harrisburg as deduced from a letter from Ben Teeter to the above power co on JAN 19, 1929. The Rocky River Street ran close to the railroad until crossing at present Foils Salvage, continuing on to where it fords Coddle creek continuing on thru Jackson Training School and onto the present Concord-Charlotte Highway. Heading out of town the other way towards Charlotte the old highway was lined either side with oak trees that are still there today. The latest tree to fall was in the parking lot of the old Captions Galley where the resturant sat in the middle of the road. |
copyright 2011 Ted McCachren |