This is the HOME page of the family of Eli Stafford 1797 - 6/4/1848 and his son, James Lafayette Stafford 3/12/1840 - 2/11/1926. |
Web site hosted by Ted McCachren 7O4 _ 455 _ 2754 . Last Revised 10-21-2019 for the first joint McCachren/Stafford Reunion. To Email corrections or suggestions , click here . |
***** Click HERE for the 2019 REUNION ***** |
no reunion for 2020 |
no reunion for 2021 |
***** Click HERE for 2022 Reunion - no pictures yet , if you have any pictures from"22 . |
***** Click HERE for the 2023 Reunion ***** |
Remember, Pictures are necessary to keep track of and help identify our younger family members but stories of our ancestors make our history. We need stories and if you have or know of any, then click the blue link to email me at and we will figure out how to get them on our web page. |
If you have pictures of our ancestors let me know. Width of this page is 1200 pixels but I can resize your digital picture to fit. Stafford is a very popular name and all the domain names with just Stafford appear to already been taken. We may have to use "" or some variant for our domain name if you want to get our own domain name. A domain name costs $15 per year. At present, 10/4/2017, the Stafford history link is shown on my home site free of charge. Remember- If you are using Google Chrome you may have to hit the refresh when you open this page to get the latest updates. Also on Google Chrome you can go to Settings and at the bottom select which page opens at startup but it does not change your home page and this can be convenient if you are wanting a reminder of a page you want to check regularly like your family. I will have a computer at the reunion to down load any information you bring on memory cards. I will have a camera to take pictures of any photographs or documents, hand written notes or written stories you bring to the reunion. I would love to have some neat stories of our ancestors. It will be good but not necessary if any stories are done in Microsoft Word and bring on a memory card or Email the story and I can then download in my computer and post later. Have as many of the 5W’s that you can remember either included in the document or attached to it. Who, What, When, Where, Why. Family pictures are preferable to individual pictures to save space on the web site and to speed up the posting. Many of you are related to the McCachren's ’s and there is now a link from my home page that I started in October 2016 for the McCachren Family, , this goes directly to the McCachren web page with out going thru my home page and saves a little time. Hope to see you when we next get together. |
It looks like the Zeb Stafford clan is the home page but as I get more pictures from his generation or older he will be shifted down the page. The earliest picture I have now is James Lafayette and I will later show him first on our HOME page. |
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Zeb Mack Stafford 12/25/1873 - 7/10/1948 ; Lula Mae Barbee Stafford 5/24/1892 - 1965 , Married 11/23/1910. |
Joe Lafayette Stafford |
Caldwell Query Stafford |
Sadie Mildred Stafford |
Robert William Stafford |
Mary Elizabeth Stafford |
Evelyn Barbee Stafford |
Click HERE for James Lafayette Stafford. |
Click HERE for the Stafford undated reunion pictures................. Click here for the Stafford gas station sales receipt. Click HERE for the 2019 Stafford Reunion. |
Click HERE for pictures and information provided by our distant relative, Mary Hillukka, on the Stafford's and other Harrisburg people. We share a Great, Great, Grand Father, Eli Stafford, with Mary. |
Updated 10/30/2017 Monday 9:22A. |
Copyright 2017 by Ted McCachren for the above shown family. |