This is our "General page" to include Notes, Notices, Advisories, chronological web changes and was created 9/22/2017.
9/22/2017 Fri- Expanded web page from 750 pixels to 1200 pixels; Hopefully determined which of the three spellings for "William McMleary", Clade, Clegg, or Claid, to use. 9/23/2017 Sat- Rearranged pictures to their correct family per suggestion from Eugenia.
10/7/2017 added pictures in Dick's family. 10/12/2017 Thurs, Called DN by tel and they said had made changes to get site working. 10/13/2017-Fri, got site working again by Live Chat after being down 24 hours and then 4 hours later it was down again. Added more pictures from Hoyt. 10/14/2017 Sat, got site working again by Live Chat. Added names Eugenia texted me on her family picture. 10/24/2017 Tue, Rearanged home page to place picture of Billy and Narcissa on top.